House Building Time
House Building Time
First National Tradeswoman Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Conceived, choreographed, directed and produced by Pottenger to celebrate the 1st National Tradeswomen Conference, House Building Time is a 15 minute choreographed construction of a small house, including framing out the walls, windows and door, wiring an overhead light, plumbing water, and setting a roof of rafter trusses. In the time it takes Maria Callas to sing the “Mad Scene” from Donizetti’s Lucia de Lammamor, a team of working women, real carpenters, plumbers, electricians and laborers, all in yellow slickers, execute approximately 80 cues and finish as a lone electrician walks back towards the completed house, leans in, and pulls the light’s chain, turning on the light as the aria ends. 1st National Tradeswomen Conference in Chicago, Illinois.